How to get to Los Roques?
The best way to get to Los Roques is by taking a local flight from the domestic terminal of the Simón Bolívar International Airport in Maiquetía. There are several airlines that offer flights to Los Roques, with an approximate duration of 35 to 40 minutes.
Information you should know to fly to Los Roques
Los Roques airport is small but modern, however, it only receives commercial domestic flights from the domestic terminal of Maiquetía International Airport (Simón Bolívar)
This airport only operates during daylight hours, so you must adjust your international itinerary to make connections during the day.
There are 4 local airlines that offer flights every day at different times depending on the season and time of year.
Due to the size of the airport, it is mainly small aircraft that operate such as Cessna 208, Jet Stream 31, L410... so baggage regulation is quite meticulous.
There is also the option of taking a private flight.


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Sri Ramana Maharshi